Hope is a Christian, non-denominational, and non-profit organization working in partnership with local leaders and churches in rural Guatemala to effect lasting change in their communities. We do this by building long-term partnerships with local churches and ministries training leaders and developing culturally appropriate programs that share the Gospel of Christ through Biblical, Medical, and School education.

Our faith and practice are based on the principles of God’s Word, the Bible. We seek to reflect Christ’s example by looking at communities holistically, addressing their spiritual and physical needs together. Hope relies upon the prayer and financial partnership of churches and individuals and we are accountable to our supporters for careful stewardship of resources.

The name HOPE stands for Help Open Paths to Evangelize. This phrase serves as the foundational principle for our work. We seek to foster programs that focus entirely on underserved communities which have severely limited access to Biblical training, healthcare and education. Through financial and structural support, we develop enable our partner ministries to open new paths of Biblical training and community development.

Hope works to develop partners that::

  • Are based on the foundational principles of the Bible and salvation through Christ.
  • Are managed and operated by local leaders.
  • Are enabling leaders both present and future who will make lasting change to their communities

In 1950 three women from New Zealand and the UK founded Hope Bible Mission. Denise Farquar, Georgina Gudladt, and Ivy Hone all had a desire to reach out to post-World War II Europe. Together they started what would become HOPE Bible Mission. Partnering with churches in the United States, they supported European missionaries by sending Bibles and theological materials.

As the ministry grew, they began to take on larger projects, such as helping fund the building of Camp Berea. That camp is still in operation today as a Christian youth retreat center in Font Rubí, Spain. They also began to work in the New York City area. HOPE created a program for feeding the homeless, and built a camp in New Jersey as a retreat center for children from underserved communities in NYC.

In 1995, Rick and Deb Carey, a young couple from New York City, became the new directors of HOPE. By that time many excellent youth and homeless advocacy programs were doing tremendous work in the city. Because of this, the new directors began to transition HOPE’s work out of NYC to stay in keeping with HOPE’s stated goal of explicitly reaching the underserved.

Today H.O.P.E. continues to follow the vision of the three ladies in focusing ministry in the rural areas of Guatemala and partnering with missionaries that share the values of H.O.P.E. Bible Mission.