Teamwork in 2024


Hello Friends,

What comes to your mind when you think of the word TEAMWORK? In this update you will see how this word is being lived out by our national team and embraced by those who come in the short-term to support H.O.P.E.’s ministry in Guatemala. From changing a tire together on a dirt mountain road, to beginning a Bible leadership program in two additional mountain communities, to working together to present our Run:Hope Teacher Conference, teamwork is the secret sauce that keeps everything going! Teamwork doesn’t come from having a perfect team and perfect programs, it comes from giving our best and trusting a perfect God to do above and beyond what we are able!  



Annual Run:Hope Conference Highlights
After postponing our Run:Hope Teacher Conference in January due to instability surrounding the presidential election, we were thrilled to welcome the teachers to a retreat center not far from our H.O.P.E. offices in March. The purpose of the conference is to encourage and equip teachers for another school year, giving them practical teaching activities and resources. We focused on biomes, ecosystems, and life cycles, highlighting God’s incredible design, diversity, and power. Our entire team pitched in making the conference meaningful and encouraging. Thank you for your support that made this conference possible! Here is a video montage from the conference.


We also want to highlight the achievement of Catarina, our first Run:Hope sponsored female Ixil teacher to receive her University degree in Education this month. We are especially proud of Catarina’s hard work and celebrate this amazing milestone with her. Catarina teaches at Light and Life School in Salquil Grande and is pictured above second from the left.


The Bible Leadership Program is Growing
Teamwork is evident in the Bible Leadership program as two new classes have been added this year. In Xemac/La Perla there previously had been misunderstanding and disunity that prevented having a training class, but a new spirit of cooperation has brought about a class of 30 students, 21 men and 9 women. They are beginning their studies with Principles of Biblical leadership and Communication. A class has also begun in Carcha, Coban with 23 students ranging in age from 19 to 65. So thankful for these two new training areas and the cooperation of these brothers and sisters!
The “traveling seminary” continues in Joyabaj with 17 students who will graduate with a certificate this May. As well, the program in Samococh, Coban continues with 14 students and in Sacoj, Coban, with 22 students. In total, 106 leaders are being strengthened and encouraged in five communities, almost double over last year! We are so thankful for our small team that faithfully travels to each of these communities on a rotation every month. From loading the truck, traveling for hours taking turns driving, setting up in various locations with limited equipment, they demonstrate incredible teamwork!


Teamwork, creativity, service, and love were demonstrated by a small team from Living Faith Community Church who joined our national team for a week of filming and interviews in February. It’s often hard to describe in words the work in Quiché, Guatemala. This team including two Spanish speakers and a film production manager, were able to encourage community leaders, teachers and students and create a video to give others a glimpse into life in the communities where H.O.P.E. and A.G.A.P.E. serve. We are so grateful for each member of the team who gave freely of their talents and service. Get their glimpse of Guatemala here.
In March we welcomed, Solomon, a member of the Global Mission Committee of Oversea Chinese Mission, NYC, who joined us for the Run:Hope Teacher Conference. Again, we were reminded of the bond that unites us across cultures as Solomon just became a member of our national team and served wholeheartedly to help our conference run smoothly. He is pictured below with Ludin Reyes, the founding pilot of A.G.A.P.E., as Ludin explains the mountain terrain that is breathtaking, but at the same time, a continual challenge for flying and road travel.



In our last update we were happy to report that A.G.A.P.E.’s hangar at Aurora National Airport finally has a new hydraulic door which makes bringing the airplanes in and out much more efficient. A.G.A.P.E. Director and pilot, Eri, has done an amazing job of reorganizing and overseeing the entire functionality of the hangar. It has been freshly painted and updated for better safety and usage, including a comfortable waiting area for passengers. Through the donation of a partner church and Eri’s own vision to put aside money each month for five years, the project has become reality. Little is much when teamwork and excellence are put in place! The hangar has been transformed! Here is a video of the recent work at the hangar.


In MEMORY of Santiago Giordano
Our final testimony of teamwork is of H.O.P.E.’s longest serving missionary in Spain, Santiago Giordano, who went home to be with the Lord in January. Santiago and his late wife Maria were a young couple when H.O.P.E. founders raised $500.dollars US to help them purchase a rundown building in Font Rubi Spain that became and still is Berea Retreat Center. Their dedication, love, and tireless work provided a welcome space for children, teenagers, and adults to enjoy the outdoors and grow in God’s love. They touched countless lives including the life of Tere, one of our co-workers in Guatemala! She grew up in Spain, during the time of Franco, and found Christ even though her parents didn’t allow her to have a Bible. When we asked Tere how she grew in her faith, she mentioned going to Camp Berea! God works in amazing ways and weaves the threads of grace across cultures and continents! We are grateful for the life and testimony of Santiago Giordano, a faithful team player and servant. (pictured above, Tere & student, Camp Berea, Santiago & Tere's husband, Mario.)

