
My name is Noel Du, and I appreciate your prayerful partnership as I serve in Thailand as a full-time missionary. My calling is to serve at Kathy’s Home (KH), a boarding home in Pua, Nan for Hmong children who come predominantly from farming families. They are an ethnic minority with an animist heritage living in mountain villages. The ministry of Kathy’s Home freely houses the children (K-12) and provides them with access to the Gospel of Jesus Christ as well as higher quality public education in the town of Pua. Founding missionaries Mak & Narola Sanglir care for the children holistically and also minister to their families and villages.

It’s been a blessing to know KH through short-term mission trips with my home church Oversea Chinese Mission (OCM) since 2017 and to now serve here as a missionary alongside the Sanglirs and staff. Please check out my LinkTree at to learn more about the ministry, see my FAQ, get newsletters, and connect with me!

My 2024 monthly fundraising goal is $2,675. With your support, I will be:

  • Supporting missionaries Uncle Mak & Auntie Narola in their ministry and vision
  • Developing relationships of care and discipleship with the KH kids
  • Nurturing relationships with Hmong families and churches in the villages
  • Providing English support at KH
  • Studying Thai to better minister to the people here; serving in the local church & ministries in Bangkok (during studies, timeline TBD)

I want to thank you in advance for taking time to learn of my calling and for your support. As Uncle Mak says about missions, “It only takes three. The one who can go, goes. The one who cannot go, can give. The one who cannot give, can pray.” Whether you go, give, or pray, thank you for your partnership in the Kingdom. May our living God be glorified, may His name be known among all nations!

With Love,


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