Get Moving Together


Welcome Runners!

Running takes discipline and perseverance. In the mountains of Quiché, Guatemala it is a physical challenge to get around. For kids to access a middle school education after primary school, it is as challenging as running uphill. When we started Run:Hope in 2015, less than 10% of students were continuing on to middle school in the communities we served. Run:Hope is helping change that and by running with sponsors, you can help open paths to education in Quiché, Guatemala.  

Here is a recap of our Run:Hope school races this May that were held in three communities.


Our Run:Hope Ambassadors

The Diao family has participated in every Run:Hope run since we started in 2016! Theo and Izzy are right there running along with mom and dad. The Diao family serve as our Run:Hope ambassadors from Oversea Chinese Mission. Come as a family and join the Diaos as we run in support of students and teachers at East River Park on Saturday, October 19th.

​The Lai family are Run:Hope ambassadors from Living Faith Community Church. Wai serves on our H.O.P.E. board and this is the third year for their family to participate. Join the Lai family in supporting our students and teachers at East River Park on Saturday, October 19th!

QUESTIONS?  Contact us at

RunHope Sponsor Sheet.pdf